Jesus changed my life when I was 22 years old and I have been following Him ever since. He keeps transforming me and leading me into new adventures.
One of these adventures has been the unearthing of a poetic gift I did not know I had. I am now using it to tell the world His Story and my story with Him.
So welcome! I hope you enjoy what you hear :)

The History Project
Genesis to Revelation in 5 parts of poetry with music.
Also available on any streaming platform.
The History Project Lyric Video 5-Part Series.
the gospel story in spoken word poetry
Experience the poems with lyrics and beautiful visuals.
If you let it keep playing, the videos will cycle through all 5 poems.
4-year-old raps “redemption”
I have been blown away with how much kids love “The History Project.” This is a video a friend sent me of their 4-year-old daughter rapping my poem "Redemption" off the top of her head at the kitchen table. It doesn't get much cuter than this! She even pauses at times to eat some Cheetos off her fingers :). I love her intensity at the end too! Thanks Evie for letting your dad send me this and for letting me put it on the internet!

The History Project Album told God’s Story.
Moonshine is my story’s intersection with God’s Story.
Also available on any streaming platform.
moonshine - Music videos
behind the scenes - videos

I don’t take any money personally from anything related to AMD. 100% of what you give will go to me creating more art to share with the world and paying the team of creatives that are helping me do it.
I offer everything I create for free download on this site. If you would like to contribute to my mission, please consider donating.

For booking, business inquiries, or if something from my music impacted you and you want to connect, please reach out here.